
I haven’t mentioned it but I’ve been reacclimating to coffee since it’s in never ending supply in this household. It hasn’t been “hurting” me in the way it had been before, but I’ve also been drinking micro cups. I don’t know the actual size but the mugs are teeny tiny, about the size of tea cups. However… as of yesterday I poured myself a normal mug. I actually didn’t finish it. So I’m drinking day old coffee, which is fine. But, I remembered I slipped some Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur in there. It doesn’t taste alcoholic at all, just pleasantly sweet and a bit aromatic from the hazelnut. Gotta be careful with that. I’m also more inclined to drink coffee right now because I’ve misplaced my thermos so drinking mate from my gourd isn’t as easy as I had made it. There’s a full gourd with no water sitting on my desk. Aww.

I like this! And yes, that’s Sonic toast for my sandwich. My sweet Mom also picked a bouquet of mint and roses for me 💖

I like this! And yes, that’s Sonic toast for my sandwich. My sweet Mom also picked a bouquet of mint and roses for me 💖

My brother and I hauled my desk from LA up to my room two nights ago. It fits nicely in here and gives me a spot to think while I sort out the rest of the clutter in this room. Not gonna lie, I’m enjoying it without my desktop taking up room but I know it’ll be fine either way.

The rest of the clutter. Good lord, haha

The rest of the clutter. Good lord, haha

Hard to tell, but that’s my bed underneath all of those objects. I’ve actually been sleeping on the floor the past two days while I gradually organize. I have an old oversized yoga mat that’s been working as my buffer between me and the floor. And honestly? It’s pretty comfortable. I can’t do it forever but I may implement this as an alternative when my bed feels uncomfortable. It’s been a long time since I’ve slept on a floor but it almost feels like having a sleepover at my own house. Wherever I end up in the future I might not be against having a proper Japanese futon I could roll up and put away (I’ve actually been curious about it for a while). Then I’ll be able to craft my life after the teenagers in Persona 4. ;)

So, progress that’s been made?:

  • My sleep seems to have stabilized

  • My room will have much more space than before once everything is in its place

  • I like being able to follow and aspire to a schedule

  • (More of an observation) I have to eat breakfast to have a good day. That hasn’t been the case for years, if ever. So something has changed

Cool, cool, cool. Man, I even fell asleep thinking about logging my materials so I could remember how I like using them…. If I truly end up doing that I’ll be impressed with myself. I used to think my brain could retain all of that, but nah, that’s a lot.

For now, after having a moment to digest my meal, I’ll continue cleaning while using the Pomodoro timer (it’s been so useful, ahhh!)

P.S. I…. think I want to create a nano tank in this bedroom. I used to keep fish, believe it or not. I want one that I can grow and populate from the ground up. Real soil, other substrate, and live plants. Amano shrimp seem like they’d be fun to have around and keep me company. Maybe that will be my rogue birthday ask???