Game day

Today was great. My brother and I just played video games and watched anime all day. I also instigated the wine initiative so we’ll see how that goes.

I messed around in Persona 4 last night but I wanted to play Amid Evil today. That and Dusk were in a bundle sale and I had gained an interest in them about a month or so ago. They’re both first person shooters, not usually my genre. For one, I’m bad at them. For two…. that’s actually it really. I appreciate them but I’m not great with that style of fast-paced gameplay. However, Amid Evil has a setting and style I very much enjoy. I played through about three levels and could actually feel myself getting the hang of it. From what I understand, it’s more akin to retro 3D shooters and embodies their quirks. I’m not familiar with many of them but it definitely had an old school feel with a fresh visage on top. I mean, you can get a weapon that’s a straight up wand of planets that shoots celestial bodies at your enemies that blow up. Incredible.

It’s a fun mixture of magic and melee. I actually want to continue through it since it seems like something that won’t take forever. However, my lack of FPS experience and generally being spooked by most things means I had a bit of a learning curve. I admit I yelped and screamed unintentionally several times because of how stressful trying not to get killed and running out of ammo felt. There’s also something about the sound, it feels like the enemy is right up on your tail because of how loud they are. I was even sweating a bit, ha. I can see why people bro out over this stuff. Positive bro-ing, though. Not that obnoxious scream at whoever is close by, throw in some slurs, and break the controller bro-ing. That’s not cool. But yes, I started dying several times after a certain point and figured it was a good time to stop.

Started seeing this screen a bit too often 😥

Started seeing this screen a bit too often 😥

All in good fun. And hey! I’m going to bed before 3 for once! Yay!

P.S. I also got an email from my professor just now asking for my address so she can send me a book! How sweet! 🥰