Gifts and patience


While I believe things tend to just happen because we live in a chaotic, ever-changing world… the timing has been incredible. As in… my period came this week and for some reason it’s been the first truly awful week I’ve had since coming home.

This morning took the cake, but it had nothing to do with me and I have to let it go. So I’m letting it go.

Shortly after that diffused I got a package in the mail from my dear Katharine. And it was her gift to me for my birthday. My friends are amazing. And!!! It’s something I was peeking at when the instagram ads were all up in my grill about it.

May I present…. Boy Smells

May I present…. Boy Smells

The name kind of hooked me right off the bat. And then the scent notes seduced me further. I’m a sucker for luxurious candles (and candles in general) so I was pretty stoked. Also, candles are soothing and having something rich and wonderful smelling after getting my nerves fried was much appreciated.

Cards and artwork!

Cards and artwork!

Katharine was kind enough to include a print of a pastel she made beside me in my apartment. She also wrote a lovely message inside this tiny cat card. Helped me feel better immediately.

Gorgeous. That name too!

Gorgeous. That name too!

This candle smells stunning. I handed it to my dad earlier and he said if boys smelled like this… hahaha, if only. I may not have a man but this rich, heady, sensual candle is a welcome companion.

And hey, despite having a rough week I still have a lot to look forward to. I’ve actually approached people about making phone calls. I essentially have no qualms about that anymore. Makes things so much faster.

I keep notebooks now with information and questions for the people I work with. I have a wall of post-it notes of to-dos and reminders. It feels real! I’m also going to have to keep track of invoices so I can figure out my taxes as an artist and have started that process as well. Wild.

And, on that note, I need to make a lot of work in the next couple of months. It’s super exciting but also daunting. My studio is still a disaster and it’s even more overwhelming than I thought. There’s just not enough space in this house. A lot will have to go. I question if I can even keep the small section of the couch in there. There’s also just a ton of things I’m not interested in using anymore. House paint I experimented with and enamels that are most likely dried out. There’s a lot. But, something I like to imagine is that I’ll end up making so much work that I’ll loop back around to using some of those supplies out of necessity.

Lately I’ve been into the watercolors since I’ll try and draft things out for some paper pieces soon.

So hey, another happy belated birthday to me. I’m going to enjoy my Boy Smells tonight and wake up renewed and ready to declutter tomorrow.